Archive for the ‘Elle’ Category

let’s cut the crap: grades matter.

Posted: March 12, 2011 in Elle

“grades are just a number. what matters is that you learn.” –majority of grove city professors

i’ve heard this inaccurate claim innumerous times since being at grove city college and guess what: still not true.  in fact, it’s a load of bull.  grades do in fact matter. actually, they matter very much:  they matter when you want to get into grad school, they matter when you want to apply for an internship. the gpa requirement is a 3.0 and the employers won’t even look at your application or resume if you have a 2.9.  they matter when you want a job and someone who went to one of penn state’s branch campuses also applies and they pick him ahead of you for the interview because you both have the same major, same work experience, and oh, guess what, mr. state school has a 3.8. they matter when you apply for a job in another state that’s never heard of grove city and assumes that (1) it’s a community college and (2) you’re a real dim-witted loser who spent four years drinking beer and playing video games, never cracking open a book.   fact: grades matter.

but still, grove city faculty and professors fail to recognize this blatant truth. they assign copious amounts of reading that, when paired with that of the other four classes you’re taking , is literally impossible to accomplish while maintaining any sort of social life.  they admittedly create tests that seek to show us how unimportant grades are, by making an a almost impossible to receive.  does this make any sense?

yeah, i know.  we’re human. we’re not perfect. so what? are our professors trying to prove this to us in their grading systems? i’m pretty sure students can identify their shortcomings on their own, but thanks for trying.

**i’m in no way attempting to diss penn state.  it’s just an example of a state school (and i know from personal experience) that’s classes are no where near as demanding or difficult as gcc courses.
